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Actrix (1999) circa
Actrix is a family of easy-to-use diagramming solutions that allows customers to quickly create a range of dynamic drawings, including engineering schematics, facilities plans, network diagrams, and process flow charts. Actrix is also a modern development platform for creating custom corporate solutions and third party applications. Actrix Technical, the first entry in the Actrix product family, shipped in November 1998. Actrix Technical is ideal for
engineers, architects, facilities planners, network managers, and project managers who need to create diagrams, schematics, and content-based layouts.
With its AutoCAD interoperability and user friendliness, Actrix Technical can be used as an adjacent-seat diagramming solution for organizations and design teams who use AutoCAD and specifically for non-CAD users. Actrix delivers next-generation ActiveShapes(TM) objects whose built-in intelligence makes them automatically snap, orient, and align with accuracy. Actrix is a Windows application, and it supports file formats like DXF, TIFF, BMP, HTML, JPEG, and
DWF. (fonte).
Autodesk World (1999) circa
Autodesk World allows for the integration and analysis of geographic-based data within a Windows environment. It provides users with data capture, edit,
analysiDiagrans, integration, and presentation functionality for spatially based information, including raster, vector (both CAD and GIS) data, and attributes associated with those data. Autodesk World features Object Linking and Embedding (“OLE”), which allows users to link drawings to other Windows applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel. Autodesk World’s application programming interfaces and integrated Visual Basic for Applications 5.0 scripting environment enable easy customization and application development. (fonte).
Autodesk Mapguide (1999) circa
Autodesk MapGuide is a Web-based GIS technology that is designed to allow corporate customers and developers to use the Internet and business Intranets to rapidly deploy decision support systems having a geographic component. Suited for a wide range of users–from GIS professionals to the casual computer user across a scale from the small to the very large enterprise–Autodesk MapGuide software enables users to access and query digital maps over a network, and permits users to display and analyze geographic data for applications such as tracking customers, providing digital map-based information to dispersed staff, allocating resources, and managing facilities infrastructure. (fonte).
AutoCAD Land Development Desktop (1999) circa
AutoCAD Land Development Desktop software is built on the power and speed of AutoCAD / AutoCAD Map and is specifically designed for civil engineering, surveying, and land planning professionals worldwide. This innovative software contains specialized features such as COGO and Map Creation, Terrain Modeling, Alignments, Parcels and Project Data Management. Users will benefit from an easy to use interface and overall integration of the product. With project data stored in a central location, AutoCAD Land Development Desktop provides an interoperable solution to help the entire project team intelligently share large amounts of drawing and project data in an efficient and accurate way. (fonte).
Autodesk CAD Overlay (1999) circa
Autodesk CAD Overlay software enables users to display, edit, and manipulate raster images in color, grayscale, and binary formats inside AutoCAD Release 14, AutoCAD Map, Mechanical Desktop, AutoCAD(R) Mechanical, AutoCAD Land Development Desktop, or AutoCAD Architectural Desktop drawings. Autodesk CAD Overlay software allows users to integrate scanned drawings with AutoCAD line types and then plot hybrid raster/vector drawings. It enables users to treat raster entities as if they were vector entities for quick, efficient manipulation. CAD Overlay also allows users to manipulate, and edit, aerial photos and satellite imagery, for analysis and presentation purposes inside AutoCAD. (fonte).